Ice Cream Social and Public Meeting

Sponsored by the Springville Community Association

June 5th, 7:00 PM

At the Old Springville Gym Shelter


All past, current, and future residents of the Springville area are invited to come out to visit with friends and neighbors to learn about the newly established Springville Community Association.


Other topics will include recent improvements to the Springville Park, the new sidewalk from the school to the park, future plans for the park and old gym, and the Lilly Foundation Matching Grant Opportunity.


The Springville Community Association was approved by the Indiana Secretary of State as an Indiana Nonprofit Corporation in May of 2014. The Association has applied for US Internal Revenue status as a 501(c)3 charitable organization.


The organization charter states that the association will support other non-profit organizations in the Springville area and the surrounding township including but not limited to churches, fire departments, community parks, 4-H clubs, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and cemetery associations.


The Springville Community Association Board Members include:
Kenny Thompson, President
Jerry Hill, Secretary/Treasurer
Jack Armstrong, Jackie Thompson and Billie Simpson